
Best AI Tools for Teachers

best ai tools for teachers

June 1, 2024

Artificial Intelligence tools have transformed education for both teachers and students, providing tailored learning experiences, improving accessibility, automating administrative tasks and automating administrative duties – just to name a few applications of AI used for education purposes. We’ll examine some of the best ai tools for teachers can utilize in this comprehensive guide.

Benefits of Using AI in Education

Maintaining an organized approach to assignments and timelines in education is of vital importance, especially with so many tasks and deadlines to manage. AI tools for education play an essential part in keeping individuals organized and productive; here are several benefits of using them in teaching:

  • Customized Learning: AI allows educators and AI can customize learning materials and instruction according to each student’s individual needs and pace. This can be accomplished by analyzing student data to pinpoint weaknesses or strengths as well as recommend appropriate activities to address those needs.
  • Improved Accessibility: AI tools provide adaptive learning environments tailored to students with disabilities or learning differences, like text-to-speech tools for those struggling with reading, and captioning for those deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Automated Tasks: AI technology can simplify administrative duties such as grading essays or scheduling classes, freeing teachers’ time up for more important activities such as lesson planning or providing individual student support.
  • Writing Aids: Students and teachers can utilize AI writing tools to refine their writing with proper grammar, formatting and original content, without risking plagiarism or auto-generated AI content.
  • 24/7 Support: AI-powered virtual assistants or chatbots offer students immediate assistance outside of classroom hours, providing immediate solutions and answering all of their queries.

However, these benefits only scratch the surface of what AI tools for education can bring to bear. We will go in depth with our top picks in order to gain a full appreciation of each tool’s benefits and capabilities.

Top 10 AI Tools for Education 

AI tools for education offer a host of capabilities to enhance learning experiences, but each comes with its own set of strengths and weaknesses. Let’s examine best ai tools for teachers and  some of our top choices to see which are more suitable.

1. QuillBot

QuillBot stands out as an invaluable tool in improving student writing and research abilities. The AI features include paraphrasing which rewrites sentences or passages while maintaining meaning, grammar checker for error identification and correction and summarizer function that condense lengthy texts into key points – helping refine vocabulary use ensure proper mechanics as well as grasp complex material more quickly and comprehend its essence more fully.

QuillBot stands out for students by its plagiarism checker: this tool scans text for unoriginal material, flagging potential areas of concern. By safeguarding students against accidental plagiarized work by making sure it truly theirs and properly citing sources; QuillBot ensures students write with confidence and academic integrity. 

What We Like About QuillBot

  • Multiple Writing Modes: This multifunctional tool goes far beyond paraphrasing to encompass summarizer, grammar checker, co-writer and citation generator all within a single dashboard interface. Students using it will benefit from having all these writing tools at their disposal to support them from brainstorming their initial ideas through to polishing off final drafts of their written pieces.
  • Plagiarism Checker: With its plagiarism detection feature, this tool helps students uphold academic integrity by verifying originality of their works.
  • Translator: Translator provides seamless translation across 30+ languages to assist research and communication needs – helping students access information from diverse sources more easily.
  • Real-Time Feedback: Real-time feedback provides real suggestions as you write. This can be particularly helpful to students seeking to strengthen their grammar, sentence structure and overall clarity of speech. Feedback also serves as mini lessons aimed at reinforcing proper writing techniques.

2. Owlift

Owlfit, is a platform designed to make complex concepts accessible even for young children by employing artificial intelligence to break them down into digestible explanations that meet various learning styles. Through an intuitive user experience and interactive features, this educational app enables its users to explore a wide variety of subjects more efficiently while enriching educational experiences for all involved.

ELI5 stands out as an indispensable teaching tool with its AI discussion question generator, enabling teachers to input specific parameters such as grade level and topic/subject; for instance, teachers could set Grade 8 with “Cold War.” ELI5 then utilizes sophisticated algorithms that generate relevant questions tailored specifically for this grade level/subject combination.

What We Like About Owlift 

  • Minimal Complexity: Using AI to turn complex topics into bite-size explanations is perfect for anyone seeking clarity and simplicity of understanding.
  • Engaging Through Fun & Facts: Our content engages students beyond textbooks with captivating illustrations, facts and explanations designed to keep students riveted to learning. Think vivid images, captivating facts and interactive explanations delivered in such a way as to keep students attuned with what’s being presented – making learning fun!
  • Visual Aids & Examples: This tool utilizes visuals, illustrations and real-life examples to make concepts easier to grasp. Even complex ideas can be understood more readily with relatable examples providing context.
  • Interactive Learning: Interactive learning offers students an engaging learning experience through activities like quizzes and games that keep their attention while helping solidify understanding of concepts.

3. Grammarly

Grammarly is powered by AI, provides educators and students alike with an indispensable writing assistant tool. Teachers can utilize its AI features to ensure assignments, lectures and feedback is clear, concise and error free while students benefit from its real-time feedback on grammar spelling punctuation allowing them to focus more on developing ideas than mechanics of their writing.

It stands out as an AI tool for education with its ability to offer feedback that goes beyond basic grammar and mechanics, suggesting improvements for sentence clarity, word choice and overall style – helping students develop an increasingly professional writing voice – an indispensable skill needed to be successful academically and beyond.

What We Like About Grammarly

  • Real-Time Feedback: This user-friendly tool gives real-time feedback on grammar, spelling, punctuation and clarity – helping students catch errors more quickly while improving their writing without waiting for teacher comments to do it for them. By taking ownership over their writing experience and becoming confident communicators themselves.
  • Plagiarism Checker: Plagiarism checkers help students preserve academic integrity by scanning writing against an extensive database, to detect any unoriginal material. By properly citing work they create themselves and avoiding accidental plagiarism – an increasingly pressing concern in academic writing – students can maintain academic integrity more easily.
  • Vocabulary Enhancement and Style Suggestions: This tool goes beyond basic grammar and spelling checks by offering suggestions to expand vocabulary usage and sentence style, helping students expand their vocabularies while honing writing voices for more impactful communication.
  • Accessible Across Multiple Devices and Platforms: Our tool seamlessly integrates across various platforms and devices; students can utilize it as a browser extension, desktop app or directly within Microsoft Word itself.

4. Gradescope

Gradescope is an innovative online platform designed to transform how educators assess student work. By streamlining grading processes while offering valuable insights into learning, this user-friendly tool uses AI technology for faster grading that’s consistent across students. GradingHub allows instructors to spend less time dealing with administrative duties and more time providing personalized feedback to enhance students’ understanding.

Gradescope’s AI-powered handwriting recognition makes it a highly coveted tool among instructors, enabling them to rapidly and accurately grade short answers, fill-in-the-blank questions, even those containing handwritten responses, quickly and accurately. Imagine quickly and accurately marking hundreds of essays without manually deciphering handwriting! With Gradescope’s AI, this tedious process becomes unnecessary: student responses automatically recognize themselves for group review while automatically grouping similar responses together into groups for efficient review – this saves teachers significant time while assuring consistency while decreasing risks related to error when marking.

What We Like About Gradescope 

  • Grading Made Efficient With AI Support: Save yourself considerable time by having AI handle the tedious work of grading multiple choice answer sheets, while open-ended questions can also benefit from features like answer grouping.
  • Feedback and Insights: This tool facilitates easy annotation of student work to provide clear and specific feedback, and generate class reports on common mistakes or areas needing improvement.
  • Upholding Academic Integrity: AI’s capability of detecting plagiarism helps maintain an equitable learning environment and is integral in maintaining its academic integrity.
  • Accessibility Features: The tool offers text-to-speech and screen reader features to make its platform accessible for students with disabilities.

5. is an innovative platform that utilizes Artificial Intelligence to transcribe, summarize and analyze recorded conversations. Perfect for lecture capture, classroom discussions or group projects involving online video conferencing tools like Zoom in online learning environments ensuring every lesson detail remains intact. Besides simply transcribing audio this tool utilizes AI’s capabilities to surface key takeaways such as action items mentioned during class lectures as well as key takeaways surfaced during them so students may revisit crucial moments for better comprehension while freeing them up from note-taking duties so they may focus actively contributing in class discussions rather than note-taking meticulous note taking!

It stands out among educator apps with its AI-powered summarization tool for educators, which automatically produces concise summaries of lectures with key points highlighted to highlight takeaways from them and aid students who may have missed some classes or want further clarification of certain subjects or need revisit specific areas in more depth. Teachers may use summaries created this way as study guides or review materials.

What We Like About 

  • Focus on Learning: With this tool, students can better concentrate on understanding rather than writing everything down. It automatically transcribes and summarizes lectures so they don’t waste their time transcribing everything out manually.
  • Personalized Learning: It identifies key concepts and terms, helping students focus their energy on only what matters the most in a lecture or course. This feature can especially assist those struggling to keep track of main points within it.
  • Collaborative Learning: Students can utilize this tool for collaborative and discussion-driven note sharing with classmates, providing an excellent way to learn from one another while testing understanding of material presented.
  • Review and Search: Students can search their notes and transcripts quickly for specific pieces of information – this feature can come in especially handy when studying for exams, or trying to recall an important point from lectures.

6. is an innovative AI-powered tool that quickly transcribes and organizes audio recordings in real time, making it a vital asset in classroom environments and freeing students to focus more on learning than taking notes manually. Automatic capture and conversion to text of lectures/discussions allowing for key points revisited later, terms searched for quickly or annotating notes for more comprehensive study guides are all features provided by Livescribe for student use.

It stands out among online learning platforms by seamlessly integrating into them, like Zoom video conferencing tools that transcribe lectures live into textual form for display alongside their video feed, providing invaluable support for those with auditory processing disorders or who prefer visual learning methods.

What We Like About 

  • Real-Time Transcription and Note-taking: With this tool, students can transcribe lectures and discussions live to focus on understanding material while engaging fully in class instead of struggling to keep up with note-taking. Furthermore, its synced audio tracks let students revisit specific moments later on.
  • Search Effortlessly: Forget flipping through pages of notes – with this tool students can search their transcripts for keywords or phrases easily to quickly access important information from lectures – whether that be specific concepts, definitions or quotes from lectures.
  • Speaker Identification: For group discussions or lectures with multiple speakers, this tool makes it easier to follow conversations by showing which person said what. A transcript clearly depicts who spoke when and helps follow along easily – especially helpful in online learning environments where keeping track of speakers may prove more challenging.
  • Integration With Learning Platforms: The tool integrates seamlessly with popular video conferencing platforms like Zoom and Google Meet to allow students to transcribe lectures and meetings directly within those platforms they already use for class. This enables students to transcribe online lectures directly within these tools for ease of use and use without additional training needed for transcribing assignments or meetings online.

7. Google Scholar

Google Scholar is an AI tool focused on academic literature that offers users access to peer-reviewed papers, theses, books and abstracts published within academia. As opposed to general search engines such as Google or Bing, its sole aim is academic publications – from peer-reviewed papers, theses and books to abstracts – making this resource indispensable both to students and educators alike. Students may use it when searching for credible sources for research papers; exploring current scholarship in their field or deepening understanding on complex subjects; while educators use it stay current with recent findings in their discipline while staying abreast with latest research in their discipline as well as discover teaching materials or identify relevant literature for course assignments.

It stands out among educational AI tools due to its advanced search features. Utilizing specific keywords, authors, publication dates and titles of cited works allows researchers to narrow their searches considerably; making Google Scholar an indispensable educational AI resource that quickly connects students and educators to relevant and timely information for their needs.

What We Like About Google Scholar 

  • Extensive Scholarly Search: This tool searches a vast database of academic publications such as peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, theses and books; offering one stop shopping for reliable sources to support research papers, projects or presentations.
  • Smart Citation Tracking: With this software you can track how a piece of research has been cited over time and its impact. Furthermore, related studies that build upon it may also be identified.
  • Integration With Academic Workflows: It offers seamless compatibility with various academic tools and platforms, streamlining research processes for scholars. By providing relevant references, citation data, and related articles that significantly boost research efficiency. You can easily navigate between references quickly grasp document outlines easily access figures within academic materials quickly & conveniently.
  • Freely Accessible: In contrast with many academic databases, our free database makes an invaluable resource available to both educators and their students at every level of study.

8. is writing assistant that assists users to overcome writer’s block and produce creative text formats is available now, helping users break free from writer’s block while exploring various writing styles. Teachers can utilize its vast template library for lesson plans, presentations and creative writing prompts while students use it for brainstorming essay topics or exploring different writing styles – plus personalize their experience by selecting their tone/voice preferences – making this versatile tool suitable for anyone working within educational landscape.

Educationists can leverage’s supercharging ability for quick content generation. This feature creates an in-depth content brief that includes key points, target audience information and writing style recommendations to save educators time researching and structuring lessons – so they can focus on producing impactful lessons instead.

What We Like About 

  • Brainstorming and Overcoming Writer’s Block: This tool offers various writing templates and prompts designed to jumpstart the writing process and overcome writer’s block, giving students time to explore various creative directions while at the same time developing ideas more fully.
  • Tailored Content Creation: Students have the freedom to select their writing’s tone and style for tailored creation of tailored content creation assignments or specific audiences, further honing their ability to adapt communication for various purposes.
  • Language Prediction Model (GPT-3): This tool utilizes OpenAI’s GPT-3, an advanced language prediction model, as its basis. Using this technology enables it to produce various forms of content simultaneously while adapting and refining according to your unique writing style, ultimately increasing content precision over time.
  • Plagiarism Checker: It comes equipped with a built-in plagiarism checker to give users peace of mind that their content is original and free from unintentional plagiarizing. This feature can especially benefit academic settings where this checker helps prevent unwitting plagiarisation from taking place unknowingly.

9. Google Bard

Google Bard is an innovative AI tool, employing vast datasets of text and code to generate text, translate languages, write creative content of all sorts, answer casual queries informally and create interactive learning materials like quizzes or flashcards; personalize student feedback; or even generate creative writing prompts or lesson plans – as teachers do for classroom use; while students use it to conduct research or explore concepts more fully, and receive real-time feedback on their writing from real users of the tool.

It is often recommended by teachers due to its authentic feedback capabilities. For instance, when learning more about AI advancements you could ask Bard about them; after receiving its response you’d notice a small “G” icon which indicates verification through Google Search – green highlighted content indicates confirmation through this method; an exact source link might or might not always be provided as such, creating personalized learning experience and offering targeted support from teachers.

What We Like About Google Bard 

  • Interactive Content Creation: Generating quizzes, flashcards and other engaging learning materials directly within Google Workspace makes creating engaging learning materials simpler for teachers while offering engaging student experiences.
  • Personalized Learning Support: With this tool, content and activities are tailored specifically to individual student needs and interests for increased effectiveness and motivation in learning. This personalized approach ensures students get maximum benefits out of this educational experience.
  • Seamless Integration: Google Apps like Docs and Gmail make for seamless integration, providing educators familiar with these tools an effortless user experience.
  • Accessibility and Multilingual Support: With accessible features such as text-to-speech and voice input, this app makes learning inclusive for students with various learning styles. Furthermore, its multilingual capabilities support classrooms filled with diverse learners.

10. Course Hero

Course Hero is an online learning platform which equips students and educators with a vast library of course-specific study resources for study purposes. It has over 100 million documents uploaded by users — both students and instructors themselves! — with innovative AI features making the tool an intelligent companion in modern classroom environments.

Course Hero stands out from its competition through its intelligent tutoring system, using machine learning algorithms to provide targeted assistance for student struggling with specific topics or concepts. By measuring user performance and comprehension levels, this feature creates tailored learning pathways, helping guide users through challenging material at their own pace.

What We Like About Course Hero 

  • Massive Library of User-Generated Study Resources: This tool boasts over one hundred million course-specific study documents uploaded by students and educators – this way you can quickly locate useful class notes, study guides and practice problems specific to your course.
  • AI-Powered Study Help Tools: These AI tools use step-by-step explanations of complex problems as well as personalized recommendations of study materials tailored specifically for you, to get unstuck on difficult concepts and discover resources best suited to your learning style.
  • Textbook Solutions and Explanations: Gain access to an expansive database of solutions and explanations from textbooks across many subjects. No more flipping through pages for answers – with this tool at your disposal you’ll understand more of the concepts underlying problems!
  • AI Homework Help: This AI-powered homework assistance tool combines instant answers and explanations with seamless integration into study documents for various question types like multiple choice, fill-in-the blank or open ended questions. Plus it comes equipped with 24/7 personal tutor support ensuring direct access to qualified experts to provide additional guidance or clarification when necessary.

Factors When Choosing AI Tools for Education 

Finding an best ai tools for teachers requires considering multiple criteria to ensure it effectively enhances learning experiences. Here are a few things to keep in mind when searching for an appropriate solution:

  • Educational Needs: Align the functions of the tool with specific learning goals – for instance, personalized learning, assessment or content production? Additionally, take into consideration whether it suits their age group and skill level in addition to fitting within subject material taught.
  • Tool Functionality & Design: Does the tool offer what is desired – adaptive learning paths, feedback mechanisms or progress tracking? Furthermore, make sure it caters for students with varied learning requirements.
  • Implementation & Support: Is the tool easily integrated with existing learning systems, providing appropriate training and technical assistance to teachers and students alike? In addition, the tool should have strong security features to comply with data privacy regulations.

By considering these elements carefully, educators can best ai tools for teachers which maximize teaching efficiency, assist student learning and ultimately produce positive educational results.

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